Get more leads by verifying your listing

In: Uncategorized

Do we really check up on each Verified Listing on our website? Yes, we absolutely do. 

By verifying your listing, you are reassuring your customers that your listing is 100% genuine and available for sale or rent. 

“Verified listings are a massive step towards authenticity in the market in terms of properties which are actually available. The fact that before listings go live now, all correct documents are in place means the verified listings you will see online are genuinely helping agents”.

Why we encourage you to verify your listing:

Rank higher in search results
Receive on average 4-6x more leads than a non-verified listing
Contribute to building a trustworthy real estate marketplace
It’s a free service that comes with your membership – use your membership to its full potential!

That’s right! It’s a fantastic tool to increase traffic to your listings and gain trust from potential customers. Property seekers are more likely to deal with agents who adhere to the industry’s laws and regulations and keep consumers’ interests and rights a priority.

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